Discover your Personalized 
Vitality Roadmap
About Dragonfly Holistic Coaching

Dragonfly Holistic Coaching is dedicated to empowering individuals through knowledge and personalized care. As a solo practitioner, Angi offers a highly personalized and attentive approach to your health journey. With extensive experience in functional nutrition, trauma-informed care, and mind-body practices, Angi's goal is to help you nourish your body and life.

Dragonfly Holistic Coaching is Ideal for Individuals Who:

- Have Been Dealing with Chronic Health Challenges Without Clear Diagnoses: If you've been struggling with health issues that have left you without a clear diagnosis, we can help uncover the underlying causes and create a path to wellness.

- Are Confused by Multiple or Conflicting Diagnoses: Navigating multiple or conflicting health diagnoses can be overwhelming. We provide clarity and a cohesive plan to address your health comprehensively.

-Experience Metabolic Issues: Whether it's unexplained weight gain, fatigue, or difficulty managing weight, we address metabolic concerns to help you achieve optimal health.

- Face Mental Health Concerns: From anxiety and depression to stress management, our holistic approach includes strategies to support your mental and emotional well-being.

- Have Gastrointestinal Problems: Digestive issues such as IBS, bloating, and food sensitivities can significantly impact your quality of life. We focus on gut health to alleviate symptoms and improve digestion.

- Suffer from Hormonal Imbalances: Whether you're dealing with menopausal symptoms, thyroid issues, or other hormonal imbalances, our personalized plans aim to restore hormonal health.

- Struggle with Blood Sugar Irregularities: Managing blood sugar is crucial for overall health. We offer guidance on diet and lifestyle changes to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

- Have Lab Results That Appear Normal but Feel Unwell: If your lab results are normal but you still feel that something is off, we delve deeper to uncover and address the root causes of your symptoms.

- Suffer from Chronic Stress, Anxiety, or Have Experienced Trauma: If you're dealing with chronic stress, anxiety, or the lingering effects of trauma and are ready to take control back, our trauma-informed mind-body practices can help you build resilience and regain balance.

- Seek a Comprehensive, Holistic Approach: Our holistic approach considers all aspects of your health, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced path to wellness.

- Value Personalized Care: We recognize that each person is unique. Our individualized plans are tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and goals.

- Are Committed to Making Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Health Benefits: True health transformation requires a commitment to change. We support and guide you through sustainable lifestyle changes for lasting well-being.

Identify Root Causes

 Through a comprehensive assessment and specialized diagnostic tests, we uncover the underlying factors contributing to your chronic health issues, allowing us to target the root causes rather than just treating symptoms.

Personalized, Holistic Approach

Receive a customized plan that integrates functional nutrition, mind-body practices, and lifestyle interventions, ensuring that every aspect of your health is addressed in a holistic manner.

Sustainable Health Improvements

With ongoing support and expert guidance, you will implement effective lifestyle changes that lead to long-lasting health improvements and a higher quality of life.

What Will You Get?

When you join Dragonfly Holistic Coaching, you will receive:
  • Personalized Vitality Roadmap: A tailored plan designed to guide you on your journey to optimal health.
  • Comprehensive Premier Case Review (PCR): An in-depth assessment of your health history, lifestyle, and symptoms to create a personalized action plan.
  • Functional Labs: Access to specialized diagnostic tests to uncover hidden imbalances and provide deeper insights into your health.
  • Ongoing Coaching: Continuous support to implement your personalized plan, make lifestyle changes, and achieve your health goals.
  • Expert Guidance: Direct access to my expertise in holistic health, functional nutrition, and mind-body wellness.
  • Community Support: Be part of a community committed to achieving optimal health and well-being.

Don't Wait to Feel Better!

Start Your Journey with a Strategy Session

The Strategy Session is the first step in creating your Personalized Vitality Roadmap. This complimentary 20-minute consultation allows me to understand your health concerns, explain my approach, and determine if my services are the right fit for you. From here, I’ll guide you through the next steps:
  1. Premier Case Review (PCR): A thorough assessment of your health history, lifestyle, and symptoms to develop a personalized action plan.
  2. Functional Labs: Specialized diagnostic tests to uncover hidden imbalances and provide deeper insights into your health.
  3. Coaching: Ongoing support to implement your personalized plan, make lifestyle changes, and achieve your health goals.

My Method: Root Causes, Not Symptoms

At Dragonfly Holistic Coaching, I don’t just chase symptoms and diagnoses. My approach focuses on uncovering the root causes of your chronic health challenges. By addressing these underlying factors and implementing targeted lifestyle interventions, I help you achieve lasting, transformative health improvements.

Start your Journey to more Vibrant Health Today!

The Strategy Session is the first step in creating your Personalized Vitality Roadmap. This complimentary 20-minute consultation allows me to understand your health concerns, explain my approach, and determine if my services are the right fit for you. From here, I’ll guide you through the next steps:

1. Premier Case Review (PCR): A thorough assessment of your health history, lifestyle, and symptoms to develop a personalized action plan.

2. Functional Diagnostic Review (FDR): Specialized diagnostic tests to uncover hidden imbalances and provide deeper insights into your health and personalized recommendations based on your unique Bio individuality.

3. Holistic Wellness Coaching: Ongoing support to implement your personalized plan, make lifestyle changes, and achieve your health goals.

Why Choose Dragonfly Holistic Coaching?

What Makes My Approach Unique?

My comprehensive approach integrates functional nutrition, mind-body practices, and holistic health principles. I don’t just treat symptoms; I delve deep to understand and address the underlying factors affecting your health. With my expert guidance, you’ll achieve a balanced, vibrant life.

Overcoming Common Concerns

Worried about another program that might not work?

I understand your hesitation. Many of my clients have tried various approaches without success. That’s why my strategy session is designed to ensure a good fit before you commit. My tailored, root-cause-focused methods have transformed lives by addressing health issues from the inside out.
Book Your Complimentary
 Strategy Session Today

Are you ready to transform your health and achieve lasting vitality? Booking your Strategy Session is the first step towards creating your Personalized Vitality Roadmap:

1. Click the “Book Now” button below.
2. Choose a convenient time from my available slots.
3. Fill out the Getting to Know You Survey that will be emailed to you after booking.

I am here to support you every step of the way. I look forward to embarking on this wellness journey with you.

The Dragonfly Difference

- Comprehensive Care: I treat the whole person, not just symptoms.
- Personalized Plans: Your wellness plan is tailored to your unique health needs and goals.
- Expert Guidance: I am an expert in holistic health, functional nutrition, and mind-body wellness.
- Community Support: Join a community of individuals committed to achieving optimal health and wellbeing.

It’s Time to Take Action!

Take control of your health and start your journey towards optimal wellness today. Book your complimentary Strategy Session and discover how Dragonfly Holistic Coaching can help you achieve the vibrant, healthy life you deserve

Hear from My Clients

"Dragonfly Holistic Coaching has transformed my approach to health. Angi's personalized care and attention to detail are unmatched."
– Jane D.

"I finally feel heard and supported in my health journey. The strategy session was the perfect start to a comprehensive wellness plan."
 – John M.

"The holistic approach at Dragonfly Holistic Coaching has helped me achieve a balance I never thought possible." 
– Emily R.
© Angela Anderson
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any
disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice,
treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)
Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal
physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to partner with
their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and
should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.