Let me Help you achieve your Wellness Goals
As a Certified Health Coach, I offer services that help people move more, manage chronic conditions, maintain an ideal weight and choose foods that give them more energy and feel great!  My holistic approach to wellness encompasses all areas of your life, including: 

How we Live
How we move
How we think

How we eat
What is A Health Coach?
A health coach motivates and inspires clients to make positive changes in their health. Whether you are trying to reduce pain and inflammation, lose weight or prevent disease, a health coach will offer simple, easy solutions that are based on proven science. 

Learn unique strategies to help you move more, reduce stress, think clearly, manage chronic conditions, maintain an ideal weight, choose healthier foods that taste great and much more.

Monthly Wellness Newsletter

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Includes monthly evidence-based wellness tips, recipes,  early bird access to upcoming events and more!

© Angela Anderson
Dragonfly Holistic Coaching
Health is Wealth
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any
disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice,
treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)
Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal
physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to partner with
their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and
should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.