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Reclaim your Health & Vitality

I'm so glad you found me! Let's uncover your personal roadmap to Vitality!

Welcome to Dragonfly Holistic Coaching: Empowering Functional Resilience and Holistic Transformation

I believe that true wellness goes beyond just the absence of disease—it's about cultivating resilience, authenticity, vitality, and presence in every aspect of your life.

My mission is to empower you to thrive, even in the face of life's challenges, through the application of functional nutrition and mind-body wellness.
What is Functional Resilience?
Functional resilience is the foundation of my approach to wellness. It's about optimizing your body's innate ability to adapt and thrive in the face of stress, whether it be physical, emotional, or environmental. By addressing the root causes of dysfunction and supporting your body's natural healing mechanisms, I help you build resilience from the inside out.

Holistic Transformation: Mind, Body, and Spirit
Holistic transformation is at the heart of what I help people do. True wellness encompasses not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My holistic approach integrates a variety of modalities, including functional nutrition, mind-body techniques, yoga, somatic education, HeartMath®, positive psychology, and more, to support your journey to optimal health and vitality. This includes empowering individuals who have experienced trauma, helping them utilize holistic wellness tools and the innate intelligence of the body to foster authenticity, mindfulness, and balance.
Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolic Chaos®: Understanding the Impact on Health and Well-being
In the intricate dance of our body's systems, balance is key. Yet, when external stressors, environmental toxins, and poor lifestyle choices disrupt this delicate equilibrium, chaos ensues. This phenomenon, known as Metabolic Chaos®, lies at the heart of many chronic health conditions, from digestive disorders and hormonal imbalances to fatigue and cognitive decline.

What is Metabolic Chaos®?
Metabolic Chaos® is a state of dysregulation in the body's biochemical processes, characterized by imbalances in key metabolic pathways, nutrient deficiencies, oxidative stress, and inflammation. It can manifest in a variety of ways, including digestive dysfunction, hormonal disruptions, immune system dysregulation, and impaired detoxification pathways.

The Impact of Metabolic Chaos® on Health
Metabolic Chaos® can wreak havoc on virtually every aspect of health and well-being. Digestive dysfunction may lead to symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea, while hormonal imbalances can result in irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, and weight fluctuations. Immune system dysregulation may manifest as chronic infections, allergies, or autoimmune disorders, while impaired detoxification pathways can contribute to toxin buildup and oxidative stress.

The Role of Stress and Trauma in Metabolic Chaos®
At the heart of Metabolic Chaos® lies stress, both physiological and psychological. Chronic stress and unresolved trauma trigger a cascade of hormonal responses, including elevated cortisol levels, insulin resistance, and dysregulated neurotransmitter production. These changes disrupt the body's natural rhythms and inhibit its ability to maintain homeostasis, leading to a state of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. By addressing these underlying imbalances and supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms, it is possible to restore balance and promote resilience.

Finding Balance: The Key to Resilience
While Metabolic Chaos® may seem daunting, there is hope. By addressing the underlying imbalances and supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms, it is possible to restore balance and promote resilience. This holistic approach involves addressing root causes such as nutrient deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, hormonal imbalances, and oxidative stress through targeted interventions such as functional nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and mind-body therapies.

Metabolic Chaos® is a Registered Trademark of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
How Dragonfly Holistic Coaching Can Help

I specialize in empowering individuals to reclaim their health and vitality by addressing chaos at its roots. My comprehensive approach integrates functional nutrition, mind-body techniques, and personalized coaching to support you on your journey to wellness.

Whether you're struggling with digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, or cognitive decline, I'm here to provide the guidance, support, and resources you need to thrive.

At Dragonfly Holistic Coaching, I specialize in empowering individuals to reclaim their health and vitality by addressing chaos at its roots. This comprehensive approach integrates the following services:

  • Premier Case Review: A detailed assessment of your health history and current concerns, laying the foundation for personalized care.
  • Functional Diagnostics & Interpretation Packages: Cutting-edge diagnostic testing and interpretation to uncover underlying imbalances and guide personalized treatment plans.
  • Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching: Tailored coaching to support your unique health goals and needs.
  • Herbal and Nutritional Supplements: Recommendations for supplements to support your health and wellness.
  • Yoga Classes: Classes designed to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
  • Pantry Makeovers: Guidance on how to stock your pantry with nutritious, health-supporting foods.
  • Functional Coaching: Ongoing support to help you implement and maintain healthy lifestyle changes.
Uncover Your Personal Vitality Roadmap

My approach is bio-individual and holistic, starting where you are and building a bridge to functional resilience. I believe in empowering you to tap into your body's innate healing wisdom and cultivate resilience from within. Through a blend of functional medicine principles, positive psychology techniques, and mind-body therapies such as HeartMath®, yoga, somatic education, and mindful resilience practices, I help you navigate the complexities of Metabolic Chaos® and reclaim your vitality.

Ready to Restore Balance and Thrive?

If you're ready to break free from the grips of Metabolic Chaos® and reclaim your vitality, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

Together, let's unlock your body's innate healing potential and pave the way for a healthier, happier, more vibrant tomorrow.

     Angela Anderson 
      NBC-HWC, AFDNP, RYT500

A Little About Me 
I'm Angi, a mother to three incredible adult sons and two adorable four-legged companions, living on the stunning shores of Oahu, Hawaii. My life here is filled with the beauty and tranquility of the ocean, but my journey to holistic wellness has been a profound and transformative one.

My path hasn't always been smooth. There was a time when unresolved trauma, menopausal hormone changes, chronic stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle led to intense anxiety, making even simple daily tasks seem impossible. These challenges were a wake-up call, signaling the need for a significant change.

Determined to reclaim my vitality, I embarked on a holistic wellness journey, focusing on integrating mind, body, and spirit. This transformation required reevaluating every aspect of my life, embracing new habits, and letting go of what no longer served me. Through this process, I discovered the power of living authentically and passionately, leading me to a place of profound gratitude and health.

Now, my mission is to guide others through their own transformations. If you're feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your vitality, I'm here to help you rediscover your balance and joy. Holistic wellness is a full mind-body undertaking, and together, we'll explore your lifestyle habits and develop a personalized roadmap that leads to wellness, vitality, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

At Dragonfly Holistic Coaching, I understand that everyone's journey is uniquely individual. Each person has different experiences, genetic makeup, and needs, which means no two paths to wellness are the same. My approach is tailored to honor your unique story and circumstances. By blending my extensive healthcare experience with the principles of functional and lifestyle medicine, Ayurveda, and positive psychology, I offer you a personalized and comprehensive approach to wellness.
Whether you're struggling with metabolic issues, seeking better brain health, facing hormonal challenges, dealing with chronic stress, managing digestive issues, or simply wanting to live a more balanced and vibrant life, I provide the tools and support you need to succeed. Your journey is uniquely yours, and I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Join me on this journey, and let's create a life where you can truly thrive. Your path to holistic wellness begins here. Let's explore, transform, and flourish together.

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Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any
disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice,
treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)
Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal
physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to partner with
their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and
should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.