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Empowering you to achieve personal wellness goals through personalized transformative coaching.

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Unlock your wellness and vitality while navigating life's challenges with Dragonfly Holistic Coaching.
My commitment is to facilitate your personal wellness evolution through strategic, individualized guidance and supportive accountability
A Coaching Partnership for Success
Embark on a transformative journey with our dedicated coaching professionals. Experience tailored guidance, unwavering support, and the tools to achieve your personal and professional aspirations

Integrated Wellness
Functional Diagnostics
Functional Nutrition
Integrative Yoga Therapy
 & Ayurveda

Integrated Wellness Coaching

Embrace a holistic approach to well-being with our Wellness and Health Coaching. We're dedicated to helping you cultivate a balanced lifestyle through personalized health strategies, mindfulness practices, and sustainable habit changes. Begin your wellness journey with us and feel the difference in your mind, body, and spirit.

Functional Testing
Stop Guessing & Start Testing

Specialized functional testing can help you uncover opportunities for healing by identifying root causes for your health challenges. 

What do people say about Dragonfly
Don't just take it from me
Michael Johnson
The Functional Nutrition Diagnostics were eye opening and revealed many healing opportunities that helped me fine tune my wellness journey
Richard Miller
Angi went above and beyond to research my health challenges and helped me find a sustainable solution that worked for me. I haven't felt this good in years. 
James Jones
Engaging with this coaching service has been one of the best decisions of my life. It's not just about the goals I've met—it's the self-discovery and personal growth that came with it.

What can I expect from a coaching session?
Each session is a collaborative process aimed at empowering you to make decisive, informed choices. You can expect a safe, confidential space to discuss your goals, challenges, and progress.
How long does a typical coaching engagement last?
Coaching engagements can vary depending on your individual goals and needs. Typically, clients see significant progress within 3 to 6 months of regular sessions.
Do I need to prepare anything before my first session?
It's helpful to think about what you wish to achieve with coaching, but no formal preparation is necessary for your introductory session.  Just come with an open mind and a willingness to explore your potential. If you choose to participate in a coaching program, you may be assigned worksheets to complete between sessions. 
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Latest insights from the world of coaching
Gut health emerges as a pivotal topic in wellness, underlining the digestive system's integral role in our general health and vitality. The article sheds light on the significance of a balanced gut microbiome, consisting of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, for effective digestion, nutrient absorption, and a strong immune system. It stresses the connection between gut health and mental well-being, illustrating how a healthy gut contributes to lower anxiety levels and improved mood through neurotransmitter production, such as serotonin.

Recognizing signs of gut imbalance is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Symptoms such as digestive irregularities, unexplained weight changes, food intolerances, skin issues, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and mood fluctuations suggest an underlying gut health issue. Addressing these early signs through dietary and lifestyle adjustments can prevent more severe health problems.

Improving gut health encompasses various strategies, including diversifying one's diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, enhancing the gut microbiome. Incorporating probiotics and prebiotics through fermented foods and fiber-rich items, respectively, and staying hydrated are essential steps. Additionally, managing stress, limiting processed foods and sugars, and ensuring adequate sleep are pivotal in supporting a healthy gut, thereby boosting overall well-being and energy levels.
Neuropathy, characterized by nerve damage that leads to pain, numbness, and weakness, can severely affect one's quality of life. Functional nutrition offers a holistic approach to managing neuropathy through personalized dietary and lifestyle strategies. Key elements of a functional nutrition plan for neuropathy include anti-inflammatory foods, blood sugar regulation, nutrient-rich diets, proper hydration, and gut health support.

An anti-inflammatory diet featuring colorful vegetables and fruits, omega-3 fatty acids, and anti-inflammatory herbs and spices can help mitigate chronic inflammation, a common factor in neuropathy. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels through low glycemic index foods, balanced meals, and a regular eating schedule can also prevent further nerve damage, particularly in diabetic neuropathy. Essential vitamins and minerals such as B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid are crucial for nerve health and should be included in the diet.

Supporting gut health with probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes can positively impact neuropathy symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep play critical roles in nerve health. In some cases, dietary supplements may be necessary to address specific deficiencies or provide extra support, but always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen.
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are harmful chemicals found in various consumer products. Linked to health issues like cancer, hormonal disruption, and immune system harm, they persist in the environment and accumulate in the human body. Here’s how you can minimize your exposure:

Sources of PFAS Exposure

1. Food Packaging: PFAS are used in food wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, and other packaging to resist grease and water.
2. Non-Stick Cookware: Many non-stick pans and cookware contain PFAS.
3. Stain-Resistant Fabrics: Carpets, upholstery, and clothing treated to resist stains and water may have PFAS.
4. Personal Care Products: Some cosmetics, lotions, and shaving creams include PFAS.
5. Drinking Water: PFAS contamination can occur in water supplies near industrial sites or where firefighting foam is used.

How to Reduce PFAS Exposure

1. Choose PFAS-Free Products: Opt for cookware, food packaging, and personal care items labeled as PFAS-free.
2. Filter Your Water: Use a water filter that can remove PFAS to reduce contamination in your drinking water.
3. Avoid Stain-Resistant Treatments: Select untreated fabrics and avoid items labeled as stain-resistant or water-repellent.
4. Check Cosmetics: Choose brands that do not use PFAS in their products.
5. Stay Informed: Follow reliable sources like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for updates on PFAS and product recalls.

Why It Matters

Reducing PFAS exposure is essential for long-term health, as these chemicals can lead to severe health issues and persist in the environment. By making informed choices, advocating for safer alternatives, and staying vigilant about potential sources of PFAS, consumers can significantly reduce their exposure and contribute to a healthier future.

For more detailed information, visit the Environmental Working Group’s guide on avoiding PFAS

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any
disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice,
treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)
Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal
physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to partner with
their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and
should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.