The Serenity Prayer: Framework for a growth mindset.

The Serenity Prayer: Framework for a growth mindset.

God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 
Stress, that ever-present companion, reminds us that change is the constant companion of life, appearing in both subtle and dramatic forms. Regardless of our readiness or desires, life evolves, presenting us with unforeseen circumstances. How we respond to these moments shapes our journey, heavily influenced by our mindset.

A fixed mindset may find us battling against the currents of change, while a growth mindset allows us to navigate these waters gracefully.

The Serenity Prayer has served as a guiding light in my own journey, offering wisdom to accept what cannot be changed, find the courage to change what can, and discern between the two.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept with grace the things I cannot change, the courage to alter the things I can, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two."

This prayer, originally penned by Reinhold Niebuhr, is celebrated for its spiritual insight, reminding us to embrace life's journey, recognizing each challenge as a step toward discovering our purpose and living passionately. Whether in its abbreviated form as a daily mantra or in its extended version, the prayer provides a blueprint for nurturing a growth mindset.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity.
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
Amen. (1)
Serenity, a concept dating back centuries, embodies tranquility and clarity in both weather and spirit. It's akin to a naval farewell: "Fair winds and following seas," seamlessly fitting into the sailboat metaphor used in positive psychology. This metaphor, emphasizing water's fluidity, reflects the emotional adaptability needed to navigate life's shifts.

serenity (n.) mid-15c., serenite, "fair, calm, clear weather," from Old French (Modern French sérénité) and directly from Latin serenitatem (nominative serenitas) "clearness, serenity," from serenus (see serene). Of persons, "tranquility of mind or temper," by 1590s.(2)
The concept of serenity, dating back to the mid-15th century, embodies tranquility and clarity, both in weather and in spirit.

 It reminds me of a naval farewell: "Fair winds and following seas," and ties beautifully into the sailboat metaphor used in positive psychology. This metaphor, and the emphasis on water, reflect the fluidity needed in managing our emotional responses to life's shifts.

We each get to choose our destination in life, while we cannot control the weather, we can choose what direction to take in response. Imagine a captain so focused on the bad weather that he's forgotten what direction he wanted to sail in. As the storm rages, he may feel unmotivated and question why he should even continue sailing. 

Starting the prayer with a plea for serene waters is essentially a call for emotional stability in facing life's challenges. Acceptance, a cornerstone of resilience, enables us to respond to our circumstances constructively, rather than with resistance. Resistance only breeds tension, a precursor to stress that signals our brain to prepare for danger, triggering a cascade of physiological responses that affect not just our well-being but also how others perceive us.

Understanding the role of acceptance and resilience emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset not as a mere concept but as a vital approach to navigating life's complexities. It's about learning to move with change rather than against it, recognizing that the journey is as important as the destination.

In our journey through both calm and tempestuous seas, the Serenity Prayer offers a beacon of light, guiding us towards inner peace and resilience. "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This timeless invocation not only evokes a sense of calm but also encapsulates a profound wisdom that can transform our lives. It teaches us the art of acceptance, the valor of courage, and the significance of discernment. However, to navigate this journey successfully, understanding the terrain of our influence is crucial. This is where the concepts of the Circle of Influence and Circle of Control become our compass, enhancing our understanding of responsibility, acceptance, and courage.

Imagine two concentric circles: The outer one represents our Circle of Influence, encompassing aspects of our lives we can affect but not directly control—our relationships, work environment, and the broader community. The inner circle, more intimate and personal, is our Circle of Control, covering actions, decisions, and attitudes entirely under our command.

The Serenity Prayer encourages us to accept with grace the areas outside our Circle of Control, acknowledging that some elements of life, like the changing tides, remain beyond our direct influence. Here, acceptance is not passivity but a deliberate choice to focus our energy wisely, conserving it for battles we can actually win.

Conversely, it emboldens us to exercise courage within our Circle of Influence and Circle of Control. It pushes us to act decisively in areas where our actions do matter, to influence outcomes and spearhead change in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is in this space that we realize our potential to shape our destiny, one courageous decision at a time.

Lastly, the prayer implores us to cultivate wisdom—the ability to discern between these two circles. This wisdom lights our path, helping us navigate the delicate balance between acceptance and action, between serenity and courage.

Incorporating the Circle of Influence and Circle of Control into our understanding of the Serenity Prayer creates a compelling mindset framework. It does not just guide us in responding to life's challenges but also in proactively crafting a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. It teaches us to embrace our limitations with grace, to pursue our capabilities with courage, and to navigate the complex dance between the two with wisdom.

As we reflect on these concepts, let us strive to widen our Circle of Influence through positive action, strengthen our Circle of Control by taking responsibility for our choices, and use wisdom to know where our efforts will be most effective. In doing so, we not only honor the essence of the Serenity Prayer but also empower ourselves to lead lives that are both impactful and contented.

Inside our circle of control lie elements we have complete control over: our thoughts, behaviors, actions, words, choices, mood, and mindset. Beyond this, in the circle of influence, our power diminishes to merely having an influence on others’ actions, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Beyond both, in the realm of external circumstances, we find elements we can neither control nor influence - like the weather, societal decisions, or the unpredictable nature of social media.

Accepting what we cannot change is crucial; it's about recognizing the limits of our control and making peace with the external circumstances that lie beyond our reach. Why exhaust ourselves contesting what we cannot alter?

The courage to change the things within our circle of control is vital. This involves confronting challenges, accepting the realities outside our control, living according to our true values, and acknowledging the impact of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors on our life circumstances.

Consider the profound stress encountered by those who resist their job situation, driven by a belief in possible change yet facing an unyielding status quo. The toll on mental and physical health can be severe, leading to a host of stress-related issues. It's a vivid reminder of the importance of recognizing what's within our control, the courage to act upon it, and the wisdom to let go of what's beyond our influence.

Ultimately, the journey through these challenges enriches our understanding and practice in fields like psychology and somatic psychology, underscoring the pivotal role of firsthand experience in our personal and professional development. It’s about harnessing our inner strength to navigate the interplay of control, influence, and acceptance in the tapestry of life.
