Have you ever wondered about being a health coach?  It was never part of my career or life plan, nor was functional nutrition. 
While I was happy plugging away at my work as a hospital administrator for more than 20 years, I was slowly killing myself.

I was stressed out all the time. 
I was eating like crap.
I wasn't sleeping.
I wasn't moving.
I was stewing away in anger at the politics that were part of my world, adamant that politics didn't belong in healthcare.
Those 2 decades are a blur now. I was living on caffeine and nicotine and treating my body like it was replaceable. 

Eventually, this lifestyle took a toll on my health in a big way. 
On the surface, I was suffering from a nervous breakdown. I hated that assessment because it didn't feel right. What was happening inside my body was real, it wasn't all in my head, as is often insinuated when someone suffers in this way. I wasn't losing my mind, something was wrong inside my body, but I lacked the knowledge to explain it appropriately. I felt betrayed by my body. I couldn't leave my house; I couldn't even get out of bed.

Initially, I turned to health coaching as a way to stay in my field and continue working from home. My nervous system was so unpredictable that I no longer felt safe or in control while in public. I started learning about somatic psychology, trying to explain what was happening inside my physiology. Even though I didn't have the words or expertise to explain what was happening, I knew that someone had to have answers. Eventually, I stumbled on to polyvagal and other trauma theories and started learning about the nervous system.  I had suffered trauma in my life, but I also felt coonfident that I had worked through most of these issues long ago. While somatic psychology and trauma theory gave me the words to explain what was happening in the nervous system, I still didn't understand why I was stuck in fight or flight for months. I left the job that was stressing me out, I was taking two blood pressure medications to calm my somatic response. 

Finally, I stumbled on functional and lifestyle medicine which led me to functional nutrition. 

The Functional Diagnostic nutrition course helped me understand the physiology of stress. I learned how stress impacts the body and how chronic stress is a root cause of a host of medical conditions and at the heart of my chronic illnesses; heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer among them. This course was the missing link for me. It helped me see all the ways my lifestyle and stress were contributing to my health challenges. They gave me the tools I needed to get my own health back on track.

I learned how hormones affect every system of the body, I learned how stress impacts digestion and nutrient absorption. I learned how dysregulated hormones from chronic stress impact the metabolism. Once metabolism is dysregulated, every system in the body is in jeopardy, because your metabolism is how your body turns food into energy. I also learned about the intimate relationship between gut health and brain health. Once your gut health is out of whack, your brain can be compromised. The FDN course was instrumental in helping me get my own health back on track and gave me the expertise to help others find their own road to health and vitality. 

This month, FDN will be pulling back the curtains of their training program and giving you a peek inside. Not only do you get a peek inside the course, but you will also get to deep dive into a real-life case study. A client named Reese, who is struggling with infertility, moodiness and fatigue. In this hands-on experience, you get the opportunity to witness firsthand how powerful completing the FDN Certification course can be. Each day of the workshop, pros will break down distinct foundational functional lab tests, connecting all the dots between root cause and optimal function. 

This course changed the trajectory of my health and my life! 

Now is your opportunity to take a peek inside the course for yourself. 

If you struggle with health challenges and you just haven't been getting the answers you have been looking for, the FDN sneak peek may reveal a new path for you too! And the best part of all, the sneak peek is free! So, if you are even the slightest bit curious, you have nothing to loose by signing up for this FREE Sneak Peek inside. 

Here are the details: 

What: FDN Course Sneak Peek
Where: online
Who: FDNP Brandy Buskow
When: Feb 27 @ 10 AM PST
How: Register Here
Cost: Free

I've already told you how life changing the FDN Course was for me. Now you can check it out for yourself with this free sneak peek.
It is such a powerful experience that 85% of previous attendees signed up for the full course after attending the sneak peek. 
You have nothing to lose and so much to gain, so don't delay in signing up for this course today. 


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